
The C Family.


Aren't they all adorable? This sweet, little family is close family friends with my husband's family... they've known 'em for years. First meeting them when they lived overseas in England for a couple of years (when my husband was in middle school)... My in-laws became close friends with R and P, and all the kids became good friends too. Then, my husband's family moved back to Texas.... and as fate had it, the C Family moved back to the US too. More specifically, to Texas. And even more specifally (and unknowingly and coincidentally), to the next street over. Crazy, huh? Needless, to say, they've remained really good friends for years and years and years.

Anyhow, I've loved getting to know this family over past few years and I was so happy to be the lucky photographer to take their photos! They are all so adorable... and believe me, their personalities are even more adorable. ;)

it's not easy to get 13 people ready for photos:
almost ready.
but somehow they managed:
the cool thing about R & P is that you can literally see love all around them when they interact. it's so cool!
this one is so zen... love it!
these handsome little angels are gonna be heartbreakers one day.
i admit it.... i'm not sure which one of the twins this is. oops!
i had to convince this little lady that i was going to take her on a leaf hunting adventure inorder to get some shots of her... she was so sweet!
xoxo, reata


Lauren, Brantly, and baby said...

OMG, these are the greatest pics ever! LOVE them! And I love all the "C Family" even more!

Anonymous said...

You do extraordinary work...I really enjoy checking your blog to see if all of the amazing images you capture. These are fantastic!!

Stacy said...

These look lovely you did a wonderful job hun!