what a sunset... what a storm! goodness, i can't even begin to tell you how scared i was in the few hours before hurricane ike hit this past week. there's just something about mother nature and the fierce way she can treat us sometimes that freaks me out... i guess it's because the destiny of your home, land, material possessions, and... um... life is *almost* completely out of your control during a storm such as a hurricane.
i am *very* glad to say though that besides some minor damage to my fence, me and my family are perfectly safe! we were without power for a few days, but we are some of the lucky ones that have it back up now. there are still thousands (hundreds of thousands, actually) who are still without power... in the texas heat. yuck!
here are two more photos of the sunset we had right before the storm hit... these were taken in my mother & father-in-law's backyard... simply amazing!
it looked as though Jesus should have been rising out of these clouds... it was seriously STUNNING!
okay, i'll be back to post more later! i am leaving for NYC tomorrow with my hubbie for our anniversary! woo hoo!! we are so pumped up! :)
xoxo, reata